Apr 8, 20192 min

The Power of Prayer in Your Daily Life

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Have you watched War Room or read the book, "The Battle Plan for Prayer" by Stephen & Alex Kendrick? Both of these changed my viewpoint of prayer and gave me insight into the power of prayer. The book recommends starting a planned prayer time in order to get in the habit of praying daily. After one year, I am still following this suggestion. Every morning before work, I have my morning devotion reading and prayer time. My prayer life has become deeper as I am spending quality time with God and now understand the power of prayer.

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matthew 6:6, NIV). God hears our prayers, God knows our thoughts, God knows our innermost being. He created us so He knows everything, even when we do not fully know how to put into words what we need, want, or are feeling. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us and one of His roles is to intercede on our behave. He speaks the words we cannot come up with, to God. How great that is!! Whenever I do not know what to say to God, I am filled with joy and confidence knowing He knows and the Holy Spirit is telling Him what I need and want. How wonderful it is to know even when we are "alone" God is with us and hears us and understands us. Just like in the War Room, go into a private room to pray, just God and you, pouring your heart out to the One who created you.

As the bible states, "Where two or three are gathered in My name, there I am with them." (Matthew 18:20 NIV). We are also called to pray together, in groups. This brings the power of prayer to a heightened level. Praying alone with God is time spent growing your relationship with God intimately. Praying as a group with God is time spent growing together and demonstrating godly love for each other. When I am having health issues or going through a difficult situation, knowing that fellow sisters and brothers in Christ are praying for me or with me on my behalf is comforting and encouraging. I honestly "feel" those prayers and know that the strength of multiple prayers is increased. Do you pray with others? Do you pray for others? Do you ask someone how you can pray for them? Let's start doing that regularly, daily, to battle the darkness and evil and fill God's heart with joy seeing how we are obeying His Word by loving and praying for others.

#powerofprayer #keepingthefaith #relationship #Godslove #Jesussaves
